Leaving on a ...train

Written on Monday, December 16.

The journey began today with the usual running aroud like chickens with our heads removed; last minute errands to the banks, post office, drug store, Chik-Fil-A, and my office. We also worked in one final workout before 17 days of train travel, hotels, visiting, and uncertain food. It was go go go, all day long, with only a few minutes here and there to check email and Facebook and set the DVR. Left behind in Savannah today, my mother, hanging with the cats and dog, probably cleaning something as we speak. After cramming everything we possibly could into our over-stuffed suitcases, laptop bag, book bag and overnight/travel bag, we load into the Jeep and race out the southwest bypass to the Amtrak station, located in a wasteland of industrial warehouses and whatnot. Praise God, they called and said the train was running an hour late. Praise Him again because when we called while driving like bats out of hell, they told my husband that the train was not expected until 8:55...almost an hour and a half late. We make it to the station, park, unload, check our bags, print the tickets, and now I can breathe a sigh of relief and relax. It is all in Amtrak's hands now, our coming and going, our rising and sleeping, our eating and, well, you get the picture.

This is only my third train trip here in the US (I took a marvelous train trip when in Norway in 2001...) but my first US train trip took place in 2006 when I drove from NY to Montana with my fiance, then took the train from Williston, ND to Pittsburgh, PA to attend a friend's wedding. That trip was a lot of fun, despite being in coach the whole way, not sleeping for something like 36 hours and my camera battery dying as we came in sight of Chicago. This time, my now-husband and I are travelling with roomettes all the way. Already, I feel more civilized. We boarded, dropped our carryons and headed one car away to the dining car where we had a nice meal and coffee and then wove our way to the club car to read and for me to be able to write this. There's no wifi yet, so it will be at least tomorrow before I can post this...


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