Written on Monday, December 16. The journey began today with the usual running aroud like chickens with our heads removed; last minute errands to the banks, post office, drug store, Chik-Fil-A, and my office. We also worked in one final workout before 17 days of train travel, hotels, visiting, and uncertain food. It was go go go, all day long, with only a few minutes here and there to check email and Facebook and set the DVR. Left behind in Savannah today, my mother, hanging with the cats and dog, probably cleaning something as we speak. After cramming everything we possibly could into our over-stuffed suitcases, laptop bag, book bag and overnight/travel bag, we load into the Jeep and race out the southwest bypass to the Amtrak station, located in a wasteland of industrial warehouses and whatnot. Praise God, they called and said the train was running an hour late. Praise Him again because when we called while driving like bats out of hell, they told my husband that the train was n...